I so adored the first F&F movie. That movie was on constant play at my apartment when I was in college. Such wonderful man/car porn to have on in the background as we all did... other things.
Vin Diesel! How I've missed you!
I'm an unabashed, unapologetic fan. I even watched
The Pacifier
and enjoyed it muchly, and loved
Find Me Guilty.
I enjoyed him in both
Boiler Room,
even if both films overall failed for me, and of course
Pitch Black
is probably one of my favorite sci-fi/"horror" movies. I'm even tempted to go see Babylon A.D. just so I can see him again on the big-screen, although the movie looks silly.
that while I'm not a car fan, or a racing fan, I loved all the loving imagery and the stunts and the awesome energy somehow conveyed when inside the cars. FUN!
i'm totally serious, P-C. the first one is really the only one that gets that reaction from me though. it's definitely mockable and not at all award worthy, but it's got hot guys(and girls), amazing stunts and fast cars. all good things in my book.
Count me in your corner, P-C - I avoided the F&tF movies because I heard the main appeal was UST between the men (and Vin in the first one). Not being a slash fan, UST is not a draw. I do like Vin at times, but not on the mere fact of his of his Vin-ness.
I would say the UST is on the level of Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze in
Point Break.
There's love and respect and loyalty, which made the flick that much more watchable for me, but I never saw it as slash. Just pure bum-knee, firing-your-gun-into-the-air, can't-turn-your-bestest-bud-in love/friendship.
I would say the UST is on the level of Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze in Point Break.
They're basically the same movie. Elevator pitch: "Think
Point Break,
but with cars."
I love elevator pitches.
ha! i never really thought about it before. they totally are the same movie. hilarious.
To all those who have issues with Christian Bale's Batman voice, I present to you: the inevitable Internet parody.
Just got back from taking Matilda to her first big-screen movie,
It was a qualified success--she was totally rapt and engaged (in a lively, excited way, not a zombielike televisual glaze) for probably the first hour, roughly through the first appearance of the tiny little neurotic cleaning robot, and then fell asleep and snored through the entire rest of the movie, very very loudly during all the big emotional moments. But she liked what she was awake for very very much.
The only problem was that when she saw something she really liked--especially a preview for some Jennifer Aniston movie that consisted almost entirely of a terribly cute golden retriever puppy floppy-running along a beach, and a preview for a Little League history movie--she wanted "More puppy, more baseball!" and was very confused that the screen wasn't a giant Tivo that we could just backtrack on the minute she asked.
I stayed awake for the whole movie. OMG love. And within seconds I totally saw what Jess meant about EVE being Aeryn Sun, oh so very much. The parts with the humans were more problematic, and I totally get why Typo didn't feel the love (and I feel kind of guilty for loving it anyway), but the Wall-E and EVE parts? Unqualified love, utter smit, oh dear.
Speaking of cute kids and movies, P-C's youtube links sent me back to an oldy-but-goody that always belongs:
Star Wars according to a 3-year-old!