that sort of supporting actor
All things being equal, my favorite kind of actor...far and away above the hunky/gorgeous star.
For someone not involved in the industry, I have an inexplicable love for the character actor who keeps on truckin'.
Brad Dourif, Adam Baldwin, Walter Brennan, Frances McDormand, Julie Dench, Julie Walters. On and on.
I think Oldman deserved a nod for sure for BB. Oldman's excellent. I have appreciated him for over two decades!
Saw DK today.
The fascinating thing to me was how human, yet alien, the Joker was. There was no camp to the character at all. (Which is hard to pull off when he's wearing a nurse's uniform, I tell you what!)
I actually thought that
the weakest link in casting this time around was Harvey. I wasn't totally sold by AE's performance. It might have been me, not his acting, as AE just looks kinda smarmy to me.
I thought it was a bit of a nothing story until I looked it up on Wikipedia and found that Pushkin's original was all about how the story was told, not what it was about.
Oh yeah. It's told in verse and is beautifully written.
Oh, and Watchmen trailer? In IMAX?
I especially noticed the use of his tongue...consistent with someone with an injury and who is not in control if much. Still, I have to say, I noticed.
Yeah, that really stood out to me, and I alternated between being creeped/grossed out by it and recognizing it as an Acting Thing.
The fascinating thing to me was how human, yet alien, the Joker was.
Yeah! I meant to say that in my last post, almost word for word. The Joker never seemed to be anything other than a really, really screwed up human being.
I don't know. The voice was kind of weird and a little inhuman. I like the
"human, yet alien"
I didn't find Oldman all that memorable, really. I never saw BB though so I wasn't really focused on him as a character.
If Joe and I go as
Harley and Joker for H'ween this year, he's totally wearing the nurse dress.
Now I'm definitely coming.