I especially noticed the use of his tongue...consistent with someone with an injury and who is not in control if much. Still, I have to say, I noticed.
Yeah, that really stood out to me, and I alternated between being creeped/grossed out by it and recognizing it as an Acting Thing.
The fascinating thing to me was how human, yet alien, the Joker was.
Yeah! I meant to say that in my last post, almost word for word. The Joker never seemed to be anything other than a really, really screwed up human being.
I don't know. The voice was kind of weird and a little inhuman. I like the
"human, yet alien"
I didn't find Oldman all that memorable, really. I never saw BB though so I wasn't really focused on him as a character.
If Joe and I go as
Harley and Joker for H'ween this year, he's totally wearing the nurse dress.
Now I'm definitely coming.
Plei, I'm pretty sure your opinion of AE's performance as Harvey is not a spoiler. I disagree with that opinion (though lord knows the actor has played smarmy many times before, and more than one critic thought he was miscast), but not a spoiler.
It hasn't been two weeks since I formed it! Totally a spoiler!
Lord, Plei, if we had to spoiler font our opinions, this entire board would be in white font.
I was PROBABLY originally intending to actually put something spoilery in the comment and got sidetracked by the tot. *g*
Hey, anyone know what was the name given in the credits for
the cop who looks like Harvey Bullock? You know, the big guy? Gotham cop for ages?