The mental image that I always get of Frank Miller is -- remember the Simpsons episode where Stan Lee went to the comic shop and kept doing completely unhinged stuff, like shoving a figure of the Hulk into the Batmobile, etc? Like, his whackaloon actions were a caricature of himself?
Yeah. That's pretty much how I view Frank Miller now -- just a caricature of himself -- which pretty much started with All-Star Batman and Robin and the immortal line, "I'm the GODDAMN Batman."
(Although I kind of wanted Christian Bale to say that line in TDK.)
Or just pummel the shit out of Frank Miller.
I have the sneaky suspicion that Miller would enjoy that.
Miller is like the Chris Carter of comics. He started believing his press, and he won't go away and stop retroactively tainting the stuff he's done that's good-to-great.
Okay, I saw the trailer for The Spirit and I turned to Beau and I said, "not even for a $100 would I see that movie."
For those of you who have read the source material, what's wrong with the trailer because I actively HATED it.
there was a new trailer for The Spirit.
Ew. I have zero familiarity with the source material (didn't even know there was a superhero named Spirit) and that trailer still left a gross taste in my mouth. Also, ripping off from himself much? Unless this is going to be Sin City redux or something.
For those of you who have read the source material, what's wrong with the trailer because I actively HATED it.
It's a really complicated subject, the original Spirit comics had strong graphics, plot and characterization. There's a reason that the comic book awards are called Eisners.
But suffice it to say, the comics were nothing if not fun, and most certainly did not take themselves seriously.
I have to say, those of you who were able to keep it to eyerolling and growling have my respect. I'm pretty sure my "oh FUCKING FUCK NO" was clearly audible.
Frank Miller doing the Spirit is like Oliver Stone doing a remake of Bringing Up Baby.
The mental image that I always get of Frank Miller is
I met Frank Miller once. When I was working for Fantagraphics I had to stop by his house o pick up some art for one of their many comic defense fund benefit books. He was weedy and rat-faced. And I say that as a fan of much of his early work.
Oliver Stone doing a remake of Bringing Up Baby.
My eyes! My eyes!
Don't tempt the gods, it's bad enough they remade
The Women.
I can imagine a cast that could do a credible remake of Bringing Up Baby. However, when there is the perfection that is the original, there is no need for a credible remake.