Does Sunday not count or do they extrapolate the number based on Fri-Sat?
They extrapolate. The Sunday numbers are generally much lower than Friday and Saturday.
Or possibly all the shows for Sunday have sold out?
Nope, this is what happens all the time.
It's no surprise TDK beat the record when it set a record for the number of theatres it was opening in. More theatres + higher ticket prices = more money.
The actual weekend numbers will come out tomorrow. They do extrapolate. It usually isn't that far off for movies this popular.
My 9:30 a.m. screening was packed, though not as packed as the ones that were clearly coming next.
That was a damn good movie. I would like to watch it again. Next time in IMAX for sure.
I bought tickets in advance for the last Saturday matinée here, and went in early, expecting crowds. The theater was barely half-full.
Good movie, though. I was very impressed by
the Joker and Harvey Dent.
my theatre was the most packed i've ever seen it. of course, i bought my tickets on fandango. apparently it wasn't necessary though because a guy behind me asked for tickets to the same show, which was in about a half an hour, and had no problem.
I'm halfway through
and now I am remembering why this is supposed to be unfilmable. It's not the type of storytelling that lends itself to a straightforward movie narrative.
They'll be including
Tales of the Black Freighter
as a DVD extra. I think "Under the Hood" gets a nod on a bookshelf or two.
That'll be a documentary on the DVD, they say.
When I saw TDK, there was a new trailer for The Spirit.
It's good to see that Frank Miller is sticking close to the source material, and not letting his own personal issues get in the way. @@
It's good to see that Frank Miller is sticking close to the source material, and not letting his own personal issues get in the way. @@
Right with you there, Tom. We saw the preview and Aims asked why I was rolling my eyes and growling.
My only answer was "Because they gave Will Eisner's brilliant character to Frank Fuck-it-up Miller."