Read this over at Comics Continuum:
Domino's Pizza has begun its promotion for the film. Through July 27, customers can order Domino's new Gotham City Pizza -- a large, hand-tossed pizza, cloaked with 50 percent more pepperoni than a standard portion, for $9.99 and delivered in a specially-designed Gotham City Pizza Box.
Each of the four versions of the box highlights a different element of the Batman costume, including the mask, arm gauntlets, utility belt and chest emblem.
Hm, somebody on LJ posited (regarding the scene I was confused about) that
Batman knew the Joker would switch the addresses, which is why he said he would go after Rachel, knowing he would be saving Harvey, because that would leave the cops to go after Dent and save Rachel. That is, he knew the cops would be more likely to give it their all to save Dent than save Rachel, so he trusted them to save her.
not surprising, Batman beat the weekend record. $155 million.
I hope Bale got a percentage of the gross as part of his contract for this one. Or, possibly, a small tropical nation.
Batman beat the weekend record.
an increase in average ticket prices helped it squeak by
Spider-Man 3
but if we're adjusting for inflation
Gone With the Wind
is still on top.
Doesn't it win out over Titanic in adjusted overall gross as well? I love the mental image of Vivian Leigh in hoop skirt and curls stepping on Leonardo DiCaprio's fingers until he sinks under the waves.
I realize now
is on top for all-time gross sales, adjusted for inflation. Opening weekend it made $945,000 in 1939 dollars. I'm not sure what that would be today.
wins for all time box, not adjusted for inflation, but it only made $28.6 mil opening weekend.
Titanic wins for all time box, not adjusted for inflation, but it only made $28.6 mil opening weekend.
Huh. I would have thought more, because I know I went and saw it 3 times opening weekend. But then, I had a huge weakness for the young Leo.
How do we know how much Batman made over the weekend, if the weekend isn't over? Does Sunday not count or do they extrapolate the number based on Fri-Sat?
How do we know how much Batman made over the weekend, if the weekend isn't over? Does Sunday not count or do they extrapolate the number based on Fri-Sat?
Or possibly all the shows for Sunday have sold out?
Or possibly all the shows for Sunday have sold out?
A possibility that did not occur to me, but still makes my mind boggle a little in disbelief.