pairing a monstrously self-absorbed character with an actress whose cutesy "LOOK AT ME!" delivery in baby-doll voice
See, that's exactly what I got from Gina Bellman. Maybe her voice wasn't *quite* high-pitched or breathy enough to be baby-doll, but MAN, did her voice grate. And I saw an interview with her (DVD extras, maybe), and found that I really liked her voice when she wasn't
t Jon Lovitz Master Thespian flourish
Gina Bellman won me over with her not-a-date at the Inferno party. When she stabbed the lamb and went baaa.
When she stabbed the lamb and went baaa.
That might be my most-unfavorite Jane episode ever.
(I swear I'm not trying to be contrary!)
It was just so cheerfully, completely, totally EVIL of her!
British Patrick is totally a hottie. Please.
Standing in Dana's corner.
Is anyone else as unenthused about the X-Files movie as I am?
I am enthused. Not giggling like a schoolboy with anticipation, but I'm damn well going to see it opening weekend if I can help it.
I just watched
Batman Begins
again to get ready for
The Dark Knight.
It sure does take its sweet time, but it's a damn good movie. The first forty-five minutes feel terribly boring the second time around, even though I know they're important for setting up the second half.
Iron Man
zipped through the origin story much faster and snappier.
I like that
Batman Begins
is very thematically coherent. Or possibly incredibly anvilicious, if you want to look at it that way. But the idea of fear is carried throughout. I love that the first attack on the docks is shot like a fucking horror movie with
Batman as the monster.
It's awesome. And I really like the way Christopher Nolan did the hallucinations, how they're just a bent version of reality rather than something completely off-the-wall like you'd see in a cartoon.
I'm WICKED enthused. Isn't that sad? I'm SO amused at myself. DAMN YOU, CHRIS CARTER. But the list of episodes they claim you need to see to understand it... it's GOOD ones! Not craptastic mytharc bullshit! It might not suck! Umm.
But the list of episodes they claim you need to see to understand it... it's GOOD ones! Not craptastic mytharc bullshit!
Ooooh, which ones? I noticed that the upcoming repeats are starting to read like a best of.