I don't think it was populism exactly. Kael wrote a long essay on the pleasures of trash, but she doesn't ever claim it's not trash:
There is talk now about von Sternberg’s technique—his use of light and décor and detail—and he is, of course, a kitsch master in these areas, a master of studied artfulness and pretty excess. Unfortunately, some students take this technique as proof that his films are works of art, once again, I think, falsifying what they really respond to—the satisfying romantic glamour of his very pretty trash. “Morocco” is great trash, and movies are so rarely great art, that if we cannot appreciate great trash, we have very little reason to be interested in them.
British Jeff still = The Hot One.
You're not wrong.
(Though my heart goes pitter pat over Jack Davenport, because....yum. I think it's his voice as much as his appearance.)
Though my heart goes pitter pat over Jack Davenport, because....yum.
Huh. That was my... heart? What a funny location for it.
So... kinda like Lorne's, but a little to the front?
I can easily see how someone could hate the Jane character, though for me Gina Bellman's performance somehow made her extremely enjoyable, if not exactly likeable. But Lindsay Price's Jane had the exact opposite effect—pairing a monstrously self-absorbed character with an actress whose cutesy "LOOK AT ME!" delivery in baby-doll voice had me hoping the American writers would throw in a date with a serial killer as an original plot twist.
British Patrick is totally a hottie. Please.
pairing a monstrously self-absorbed character with an actress whose cutesy "LOOK AT ME!" delivery in baby-doll voice
See, that's exactly what I got from Gina Bellman. Maybe her voice wasn't *quite* high-pitched or breathy enough to be baby-doll, but MAN, did her voice grate. And I saw an interview with her (DVD extras, maybe), and found that I really liked her voice when she wasn't
t Jon Lovitz Master Thespian flourish
Gina Bellman won me over with her not-a-date at the Inferno party. When she stabbed the lamb and went baaa.
When she stabbed the lamb and went baaa.
That might be my most-unfavorite Jane episode ever.
(I swear I'm not trying to be contrary!)
It was just so cheerfully, completely, totally EVIL of her!