Stealing Marvin's cigarettes and lighters!
Watch your cigarettes around this guy, Jack!
Hec has never seen it (so far, the only occasion in our entire relationship history when I've gotten to be the one who screeches, "WHAT? How could you never have seen that? How is that possible? I don't know if I can be with you!").
As you rightfully should - you need to rectify this absence in his movie knowledge most ricky-tick. Along with Repo Man and The Big Lebowski (off the top of my head) it's one of the movies I can talk in quotes with multiple friends with for a significant amount of time.
Along with Repo Man
Comcast has this OnDemand. I read the description. I had no idea it involved aliens. I think I will be giving it a look.
Neil's Faerie Market in Books of Magic predates all those uses of the concept.
Fritz Leiber's "Bazaar of the Bizarre" predates that. As does Goblin Market. It's not so much a stealable idea as a trope.
Comcast has this OnDemand. I read the description. I had no idea it involved aliens. I think I will be giving it a look.
Eagerly awaits reaction...
It's not so much a stealable idea as a trope.
Which is why I was all "that looks like... well, of course del Toro and Gaiman think along parallel lines." Until I remembered that Gaiman actually worked on the movie.
I have purchased tickets to a 12:37am showing of Dark Knight next week. That was almost sold out, and everything else is going *fast*.
E was told by the publicist that we should arrive an hour ahead of time for the screening (Tues night) and that they would be confiscating cell phones. (And also that they'd stopped accepting RSVPs for guests, so it was a good thing he responded early!)
I'm quite certain I've never been this excited to see a movie, and I waited half my life to see Lord of the Rings turned into a live-action film.
I'm more excited about Dark Knight. Straight up.
Neil Gaiman has a few photos from the set of Hellboy II up on his blog.
I'm more excited about Dark Knight. Straight up.
It looks *better*. Straight up.
(and I say that as a huge LOTR-movie fan, just to be clear)