And Yaphet Kotto!
The only, single thing I could possibly ask of that movie is that it have more female characters in it than just the ex-wife and the sad daughter. But that complaint is one I could lodge against, well, depressingly close to every product of Hollywood in my lifetime. But on its own terms, aside from any meta complaints? Damn near perfect.
And Yaphet Kotto!
Stealing Marvin's cigarettes and lighters!
Okay, did *anybody* know there were
TV movie sequels to Midnight Run? Starring Christopher MacDonald as Jack Walsh.
Harrrrrrr. I was thinking that the Troll Market in Hellboy II sounded a little like the Floating Market in Neverwhere and the Faerie Market in Stardust, but then I thought that it's not an uncommon trope. And then I remembered that Gaiman actually worked on Hellboy II. Narf.
I am actually super-excited to see this movie.
Neil's Faerie Market in Books of Magic predates all those uses of the concept.
Somewhat on topic, I love the disappearing and reappearing store in the Discworld series.
Cute TCG Hellboy story: When we were first dating we rented Hellboy and I ended up watching it alone because TCG just wasn't into that type of movie. Fastforward 3 1/2 years to the present when a commercial for the new Hellboy movie comes on TV and I hear TCG exclaim, "Hellboy!" I have completely corrupted him.
I, too, am looking forward to the movie, and keeping my fingers crossed.
Advance reviews have been pretty damn good. I'm seeing it Saturday morning. And I'm watching the first movie on Friday night.
They're showing it at the complex where we're having our summer company party this weekend. I've got the tickets sitting on my desk.
Okay, did *anybody* know there were three TV movie sequels to Midnight Run?
Huh. I didn't.
Oh, I see; they all aired in the first half of 94. I was in college and not watching much TV at that point.