I'd have to go watch it again to figure out which actors are smoking. I'm willing to bet they just have the actors who were of age smoking. There are on-set monitors for child welfare for actors who are underage, etc.
I would actually agree (despite what I said above)
My surprise is more that they showed smoking as a "cool" thing for kids to do, even if they were played by 18 year olds.
just how much everyone smoked back then....
I died laughing when I saw the commercial for Kent cigarettes in the movie. That's the brand my dad smoked for years, until he went to a low tar cigarette right before he quit in 1973. I honestly thought he was the only person in the world who smoked Kents, it tickled me to think Murrough smoked them, too. Although, now I'm curious as heck as to whether they actually had Straitharn smoking them for the sake of the movie. Argh, I've already sent that one back to Netflix.
editted for clarity.
Oh, but if you're into that sort of thing, the new LOEG book has an excellent Lovecraftian Jeeves & Wooster story!
...Aaand I think we've just determined exactly why I'm so unhip. Excellent.
Strega, if it makes you feel better, when Pete offered to read that story out loud to me, I made a squeaky noise, grabbed Clovis, and sat on the couch in giddy anticipation.
I ... I STILL have not seen
Sweeney Todd.
We didn't have time over vacation, and Pete is chained to the computer for a looming deadline the rest of the week. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it is still in 1st run theaters next week.
still in 1st run theaters next week
It came in at #9 this weekend so it shouldn't drop off of too many 1st run theatres but it might show in the smaller auditoriums.
It came in at #9 this weekend so it shouldn't drop off of too many 1st run theatres but it might show in the smaller auditoriums.
Smaller auditoriums are fine, I just don't want to see it on the teeny-tiny screen of our local second-run movie house. Thank you for giving me that info!
Jayzus, Jilli! How can you have not seen it yet? Ditch your adorable husband and have a friend take you. Pete can catch up later.
It's criminal that you haven't seen it. You need to be
on top of these things!
Ditch your adorable husband and have a friend take you. Pete can catch up later.
I would do this, but the deadline really is eating his brain and I think he would be not very amused if I went to the movie without him.
It's criminal that you haven't seen it. You need to be on top of these things!
I looked at the big pretty art book for it.
Hellboy II trailer: [link]
Oh. My. Dog. That is made of so much awesome, there's none left for anyone else!