Ditch your adorable husband and have a friend take you. Pete can catch up later.
I would do this, but the deadline really is eating his brain and I think he would be not very amused if I went to the movie without him.
It's criminal that you haven't seen it. You need to be on top of these things!
I looked at the big pretty art book for it.
Hellboy II trailer: [link]
Oh. My. Dog. That is made of so much awesome, there's none left for anyone else!
Turner Classic Movies is doing a Val Lewton night on January 14th, 2008, starting with a special of Martin Scorcese talking about Lewton for an hour and a half (!!), followed by a bulk of the films Lewton produced. Off their schedule on the TCM website:
Jan 14, Monday:
8:00 PM Martin Scorsese Presents, Val Lewton: The Man In The Shadows (2007)
9:30 PM Cat People (1942)
10:45 PM I Walked With A Zombie (1943)
12:00 AM Martin Scorsese Presents, Val Lewton: The Man In The Shadows (2007)
1:30 AM Leopard Man, The (1943)
2:45 AM Seventh Victim, The (1943)
4:00 AM Curse of the Cat People, The (1944)
5:15 AM Body Snatcher, The (1945)
15 Tuesday:
6:30 AM Isle Of The Dead (1945)
7:45 AM Bedlam (1946)
Of these, I've only watched I Walked With A Zombie, The Seventh Victim and Cat People. Colour me excited!
They are basically showing everything in the Lewton Box set (including the doc). Cool (but I already own it).
Oh, I remember eying that box set when it came out. It was too pricey for my blood.
Oooh, I saw that mentioned somewhere weeks ago and meant to make a note, but didn't. So thank you for the reminder!
I rented most of the boxed set collection a while back, but I wouldn't mind recording copies of some of those. Plus I'm sure I missed bits and pieces since I was usually watching them late at night. I distinctly recall that I started drifting off during Isle of the Dead. Luckily I was awakened by one character's blood-curdling scream. Helpful! And not at all traumatic!
GF and I are impatiently awaiting the new Joan Crawford boxed set [link]
I think Joan might be my fave of all time. It alternates among her, Kate Hepburn, and Bette Davis. I just love Joan so so much!
I've seen both Cat People movies and bits of the others -- this will give me something to record for the long long writers strike rerun season.