There was a lot of "EW!" and lack of laughing at things that cracked me up, but I can't quite remember what. Obviously the Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner characters didn't really resonate. The talk in the bathroom was all about, "No, seriously, your uterus gets that big!" "EW!!!"
Also, I don't think they went "aw" every time Michael Cena was on-screen like I did.
I totally did the aw thing with him. Well, he's such a big doe-eyed doofusy-but-cool kid, isn't he? And the kid can act. I mean, it's almost impossible not be all, Gee whiz over him.
And yet, somehow I manage. He did not feature in the "pro" column on my list of reasons to see or avoid Superbad.
I don't think I've seen him in anything else except Arrested Development, and not much of that. I seriously said "aw!" out loud more than once.
He really nailed his character, didn't he? One moment that resonated and perhaps summed him up was when Juno says to him how
he's so cool without even working at it
and he replies that
no, actually, he's worked at it pretty hard.
I was going to quote that very thing, Jon! Aw!
Having recently spent my Borders gift card, very productively, on their 3-for-the-price-of-2 DVD sale to get Pan's Labyrinth, Once, and The Princess Bride Buttercup edition on DVD, I just rewatched Pan's Labyrinth for the first time since seeing it at a theater at 10:30 on January 3rd of last year.
It never even occurred to me until people posted about it here to wonder about the nature of the ending - real or imagined. It was always real to me. Now, I almost think I like the movie more if it's imagined. But no matter what, oh, such a good movie. I want to watch all of my extra features now.
Jon, I loved that exchange too.
Thinking back, Jennifer Garner may have been my favorite thing about the whole movie. Her performance surprised me so much - not a false note in there. It would have been really easy to go over the top with that character, but she hit it just right.
It's hard to find a major character that
hit it just right. I loved Juno's dad and step-mom. They expressed just the right amount of love and disappointment.
Lots of fabulous actors in that movie. Allison Janney is the most awesome thing ever.