Jon, I loved that exchange too.
Thinking back, Jennifer Garner may have been my favorite thing about the whole movie. Her performance surprised me so much - not a false note in there. It would have been really easy to go over the top with that character, but she hit it just right.
It's hard to find a major character that
hit it just right. I loved Juno's dad and step-mom. They expressed just the right amount of love and disappointment.
Lots of fabulous actors in that movie. Allison Janney is the most awesome thing ever.
I really thought all of the actors were just excellent. I'm always amazed at how easy it is to see J. K. Simmons as different characters, because he's so distinctive, and so are many of the characters! Vern Schillinger, I'm looking at you.
The dad was J. Jonah Jameson!
why he looked familiar. Damn!
Is there a new Rambo movie?
And, if so, why?
Because it's funny to see a decrepit, senior-citizen John Rambo try to be badass and then fall and break his hip?
The dad was J. Jonah Jameson! That's why he looked familiar. Damn!
I feel like an utter simpleton for not recognizing him as J. Jonah without the mustache; for me, the dad was the blackmailed headmaster from
The Ref,
and that's why he looked familiar, damn!
This is what I'm saying, people!