I loved Enchanted, so take that as you will.
This, Gris, is because you are
A. Dor. A. Ble. And I want to pinch your cheek. No! Not that cheek!
Yeah, well, maybe that too.
(To be fair, I really liked the song'n'dance number in the park, and the clean-the-house routine. And the dresses. YMMAndClearlyDoesV.)
ion, God, I have
the crush on Victor Garber. Well, on SpyDaddy, to be strictly accurate, but Mr Garber gets to bask in the halo of crush, what with having created that performance. And of course it's so disarming to know that, unlike SpyDaddy,
he can smile!
And sing! And dance! And be FABulous, dahling!
(Although probably not kill you with his pinky. Which is probably just as well.)
...actually, upon reflection my crush may be upon the entire SpyFamilyRobinson. Just - mostly on Dad and Mom. Because - gah.
Wait, does that mean the Gris is really Pete?
I thought you all were going to see P.S. I Love You.
National Treasure
I've seen nothing lately. So I just wanted to see something, not necessarily that particular movie. And, you know, spend time with the buffistas.
ION, I got home from the airport at 2am and am really not happy to be at work right now.
Saw NO COUNTRY... over the weekend and really liked it. There was some bone dry humor, but definitely one of the grimmest movies the Coen's have ever done. It's a movie that sticks with you. Loved the use of sound (and the minimal use of soundtrack).
That said, I hope they do a BIG LEBOWSKI/O BROTHER style fun movie next.
Has Persepolis opened in SF?
We saw Sweeny for Christmas. A woman with her pre-teen daughter walked out in the first 15 minutes or so.
I guess she thought it would be a feel good movie about murder and cannibalism.
Some people walked out of the screening of Sweeney Todd that I saw. I can imagine doing that if I had a blood squick regardless of the expectations I had for the theme of the movie.
eta except that I've never walked out of a movie so I can't really imagine what would prompt me to do it for the first time.
My sister went to see it because she'll try anything with Depp in it, even though she hates plays and musicals. I can see the Depposity not being enough in the end for people willing to give it a shot.