Mmm, Sweeney. It was sold out at the theater here yesterday, but that's LA on a holiday, so YSweeneyMV.
A horde of teenagers showed up at the last minute, so the theatre ended up being about half full. I loved the film, but I'm not at all familiar with the original musical, so I can understand how others feel differently. I thought
ASH's scenes were cut, but he was in it for about 5 seconds.
sj - really? I missed that....geeesh. Might have been when I had my hands over my eyes. I loved the movie, but I have blood issues.
Really. TCG missed it totally despite my squealing, that's how quick it was.
Edited for clarity.
Slate talks about a movie I never heard of...
It's a totally famous cult movie, tommy!
I don't love it like Cor does, however.
Yeah, I love the hell out of it. And I really hate James Taylor, so that's saying something. In fact, it would make a fantastic Zen double feature with Cockfighter, which is a similar Monte Hellman-directed faux-exploitation existential-crisis dialogue-lite movie.
is one of my favorite movies!
My friend and I are trying to figure out what movie to see on Sunday. So far on the list:
The Savages
Romance & Cigarettes
The Kite Runner
Charlie Wilson's War
No Country for Old Men
What do you all think?
Having only seen
from that list, I'm going to say: Don't go see
It's more of a catch-it-on-TV kind of movie. I think if I hadn't paid money for it, I'd have appreciated it a lot more.
What do you all think?
No Country For Old Men is near the top of my list.
But I haven't seen a lot of movies so I also want to see: Sweeney Todd, I'm Not There, Juno, Darjeeling Express (still barely hanging on in theaters here), and There Will Be Blood.
It's interesting, we've had two movies come out this year which were hailed as instant classics: No Country For Old Men and There Will Be Blood. That's unusual.
I'm also struck by how daring filmmakers were this year - not always successfully, but risks were taken: Southland Tales, I'm Not There, There Will Be Blood.
Let me know if you're up for seeing a movie this weekend, David.
I can't get over how much Daniel Day Lewis looks like a gaunt Tom Selleck in the posters for
There Will Be Blood