Hensen always wrote for grownups, really. Or for the kid in grownups.
I'm sure a lot of what I'm nostalgic for is filtered through my adult sensibilities.
My kids watched Mr. Rogers to come down after The Electric Company, and I got eyerolls when I praised Mr. Rogers. The truth was that after all that exciting stimulation, the little guys needed some soothing, calm and non-judgmental familiarity. Maybe Elmo's World is providing that for Lillian's generation.
I wouldn't call Elmo's World soothing--it's bright and shiny and weird and kind of loud. But it is friendly!
As much as I love Sesame Street, and I do, a lot, every change that they've made over the years has made sense to me. They've made me a little sad, yes, but they were always reasonable and arguably necessary.
Yeah, Elmo's World is pretty boppy. It was actually created as a response to the popularity of Blue's Clues.
But it gets away from the original mandate for Sesame Street which was to structure the educational bits basically like commercials. Short and snappy and to the point. Mostly I dislike how formulaic Elmo's World is. That's what seems antithetical to the constant invention, and multiple points of view I was used to on Sesame Street.
I always wonder if he got the idea of Buffy from NotC, because NotC has that alley scene.
NotC was one of Joss's influences for Buffy. I know I've heard him say that, but I can't remember where.
I loved NotC. One of the Catherine Mary-Mary Katherine-Katherine Elizabeth actresses, this particular one familiar from The Last Starfighter.
"Greetings, Starfighter!" Why don't I have either of those on dvd?
"Greetings, Starfighter!" Why don't I have either of those on dvd?
Hah! I just watched my very own DVD of "The Last Starfighter" the other night. So much fun.
I don't have Victor/Victoria, either, and that's just a crime. I need to run out and get every movie Robert Preston ever made on dvd.
Except, y'know The Music Man.
I always wonder if he got the idea of Buffy from NotC, because NotC has that alley scene.
But Reggie's a brunette!
"Daddy would have gotten us Uzis."
Yeah, that's a pretty classic line there.