I even told people that Keanu was not that bad in it when I ordered the DVD from Amazon. Ugh was I wrong
Yeah I had the same kind of discussion yesterday about an early 90's movie. And I remembered it being "not that bad" and "pretty funny". Upon further thought and discussion I realized I haven't seen it since the mid 90's. From there things added up and I realized that if I seriously watched it now it might pass as endurable.
Yeah. Oddly enough some of the least tolerable parts were the wooden deliveries of what used to be my favorite quotes from the film.
I like Constantine and own the video which I got for all of 4.95.
I like Constantine and own the video which I got for all of 4.95
My SIL msg'd me tonight and said my brother finally watched it tonight and thinks I'll like it. I usually trust his judgment enough to give something a try (firefly comes to mind...) I may get it from Netflix.
It's a way better than average comic book movie.
Keanu is not who I would've cast for Constantine. And I don't think he gets the character. But the character he does play is perfectly credible.
The effects are fantastic, the performances are good, the suspense is there. None of it is laughable. It's a well told story.
But the character he does play is perfectly credible.
I tried to discard my expectations, but I found him laughably wooden. Maybe there are people like that, but I wouldn't give them 90 minutes of my time.
I laugh at Chevalier Danceney's "It was sublime, don't you find?" no matter how many times I watch Dangerous Liaisons.
Keanu is the little wooden boy.
Did you really laugh?
It was a wry laugh, and it was a laugh at myself for expecting much else (I swear,
The Matrix
made me forget so much...but it was just a better match for him).
Maybe the Wachowskis did thousands of takes. I still cringe at "I'll give you the finger and you give me my phone call" but the rest of the movie he's pretty tolerable. I can't imagine how much better Neo might have been had Brad Pitt accepted the role but then we wouldn't have his Tyler Durden.