Heh, I think David was saying if you think the Will Smith version's going to be bad, but I'm not 100% sure.
Heh. I kind of love Chuck's early seventies Science Fiction movies. Particularly the cheesiness of The Omega Man where he is The Last Man in a sort of Playboy Advisor way, sipping wine out of his cut crystal goblets and playing chess with a mannequin and listening to classical music.
Then he gets a super sexy blacksploitation love mama and a motorcycle riding scientist to back his play. Oh yeah.
I adore Omega Man. Pretty much all of Charleton Heston's 70's sci fi stint.
OK I was kidding when I said they should make Land of the Lost into a feature film. Sheesh.
At least they got Federal Wildlife Marshall Willenholly for the lead.
Heh. I kind of love Chuck's early seventies Science Fiction movies
People look at me funny when I try to explain about the beauty that can be bad movies. But then I love(d) MST3K. When they had their Turkey Day Thanksgiving marathons...
We gather together to watch cheesy movies
on Comedy Central on Thanksgiving day
Mystery Science
Theatre 3000
It's 30 straight hours
and it's called Turkey Daaaaa-ay!
Doncha ever just burst into song?
Doncha ever just burst into song
Oh, yeah totally. Sometimes at work. Luckily my co-workers are like-minded. Now if I can only get a professional dance troupe to stalk me mercilessly, ready to strike, I could complete song with poorly executed impromptu dance moves*. Hmm, I'll go check Craigslist...
Hey, did you know several of the MST folk are doing audio commentaries that you can download and synch up with a DVD? They're calling them Rifftrax, and I saw 300 with Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett doing the commentary and OMG was it funny! Pretty much the only way I'd have willingly watched 300 again.
Different groups of MST folk do different ones, and several are just Mike (including ROAD HOUSE - if ever there should have been a group commentary...).
Strangely enough, today is also Mike Nelson's birthday.
Different groups of MST folk do different ones, and several are just Mike (including ROAD HOUSE - if ever there should have been a group commentary...).
Let's have a Patrick Swayze Christmas this year....