Not a context in which he needs to be accurate, exactly.
You are of course correct.
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Not a context in which he needs to be accurate, exactly.
You are of course correct.
I was more concerned about a certain very entertaining lawyer-centric show in which bitcoin was portrayed as illegal. It is possible that if treasury cared they could make a case (though more likely as a security than as a currency) but the U.S. Treasury, quite sensibly, has other priorities than fringe alternative currencies in limited circulation. Same reason they don't go after labor banks. IANAL, so I don't know whether or not they have a basis to go after them if they want to. But I'm pretty sure that they simply are not that interested.
So Michael was being a massive asshole, including towards his brother. I'm assuming that was to set up extra guilt at Nate's death and Fiona's release and its price (did she go into prison in that dress? Does she own underwear?) but there's this never-ending escalation of people behind the people who're behind the people who are controlling the he working his way up the chain to the devil?
I do not buy Jeffrey Donovan's emotional acting--he seems to redden in place of emoting, pop blood vessels instead of using facial muscles. On the other hand--Sharon Fucking Gless. That was perfect grieving mother with a son who got in over his head getting involved in the shady life of her other son.
eta: What are they talking about on Royal Pains? Didn't Worf get married to Dax on DS9?
Does she own underwear?
She probably had to use it to construct a weapon in prison.
ita I don't watch Royal Pains, but yes Worf and Dax married on DS9.
They were running through weddings not happening "in space", and they brought up Spock's non-marriage, but that was on a planet anyway, so no more in space than any wedding on Earth, and kept tossing things out and seemed to conclude that there were no Star Trek space weddings--but there were at least two, weren't there? Worf/Dax, and Mama Troi's on TNG? I remember her being naked (or threatening to be) for something on the Enterprise.
They were writing sci fi geeks geeking out, but it didn't really feel that way.
Mama Troi's wedding did not happen. She backed out at the last minute. But the internet is confirming that Worf and Dax's did.
Who was she going to marry?
Who was she going to marry?
I don't remember that part, but I don't remember him being much of a catch. And she was supposed to wear the traditional wedding dress, which she hated because it was very conservative and boring, so she showed up naked, which was the Betazoid tradition, and then the wedding didn't happen because the groom was offended.
I remember Deanna Troi's horrified, "Mom, you're not going to be naked at YOUR OWN WEDDING?!" Then Mom decided she really wanted to be, and then groom realized he couldn't marry a damn hippie or whatever, and she realized she was better off without the stuffy old dude.