So--Common Law.
Is the premise that these guys have performance issues that will be addressed with successful counselling, or are they doing penance for a particular eruption?
I don't think they're selling it that they work badly together and need help. And although every episode has a nod to the exercise of the week contributing to solving the mystery, but there's no indication anything is sticking.
And it's kinda conflicting with the "Odd couples make a good crimefighting team" that's pretty prevalent, not least of all on USA or TNT.
I mean, they clearly have a ridiculous number of closes, since they were bucking up on a record last week.
I know I'm not looking in the right place to find taut character studies and character growth, but it seems to hinge on the fact that the premise isn't true. White Collar and Leverage don't have to make any contradictory assertions when they mine conflict for humour, and they do get to resolve some of the tension, by showing the differences as a clear advantage, and they can move past it.
But the "it: is the entire premise of this show. The counsellor is kinda icky slick, but she or her equivalent has to be there for the entire series, and despite every breakthrough they have they can't make quantum leaps. In whatever.
Okay, I'm just at the start of Cover Affairs, but I really hope Mojinder is not gone. Motherfucker. I liked his crafty shit. And I liked the multi culti thing they had going on with his white father and no fuss made of it.
Plus he's goddamned gorgeous.
However, why is Nina Myers on the show going by the name Nina Smith? Did they not have any other first names they could use? What about Natasha? That's a perfect cromulent name. Or Nadia!
They just wanted to make sure we knew not to trust her?
Also, Jeff!!
I dont know how I feel about Covert Affairs. One of the things that annoyed me was Annie's inability to follow orders if she didn't like them. Now that she's got this new touchy feely "tell me what
want to do" boss, I wonder if that will go away.
Okay, I'm just at the start of Cover Affairs, but I really hope Mojinder is not gone. Motherfucker. I liked his crafty shit. And I liked the multi culti thing they had going on with his white father and no fuss made of it.
Seriously. I knew it was him as soon as I saw the ad that flashed faces, though -- of course all the white people get to live!
Speaking of culture, I wish White Collar had gone to a fake island, because that was not Cape Verde to a degree that was kind of offensive.
of course all the white people get to live!
Jesse, it wasnt because he was of color, it was because he was
Of course, since all of the dark characters are evil, I can see how you might make that mistake.
Leverage comes back tonight!
::kermit arms::
OMG, Adam Baldwin cameo!!!
And they have a brewpub!!! In Portland!