I thought she looked normal.
I keep thinking that something will cluestick Betty into growing up - but it never happens so I doubt its going to happen this time either.
I also think that Betty is herself driving new husband to do things like not tell her about Don's call.
Apparently, this week's episode was Jon Hamm's directorial debut.
What year is it on Mad Men, now? I've lost track.
It'd be nice if Betty were finally letting go and relaxing a little. I guess that's not likely, but her and Sally 's sundae time in the kitchen was about the sweetest mother-daughter moment we've seen them share.
I think it's interesting how Don is now "so square he's got corners" while in the first season he was all secretly bohemian.
her and Sally 's sundae time in the kitchen was about the sweetest mother-daughter moment we've seen them share.
Seriously. And I loved that she touched Sally's arm when she got up and left. It was definitely one of her more motherly moments. A very rare one.
Thanks, le nubian. The decor in Don's apartment reminds me of my grandparents' house and that, for some reason, confuses me about the time period.
I've been reading recaps of the ep, so I have the year clearly in my head. If I just watched it, I am not sure I would have. The Rolling Stones reference would have confused (years before 1966).
Timing things by Joan's baby, it's been about 10 months since the end of last season, which would mean mid-1966.
I was thinking of the future heartbreak for the Brian Jones fan.