Yeah, he is, was and will be creepy.
Lorne ,'Time Bomb'
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
I think Quarles is intended as counterpoint for Limehouse, who may be a stone killer, but pretty much for practical reasons. If he's out to scare someone, it's usually because it's in his best interests to keep people scared of him.
I also love the way he also plays off Wynn Duffy who seemed like such a sick puppy in his first set of appearences, but now is clearly in over his head.
God, Wynn is awesome with Quarles. It gives me a happy to see the perpetual WTF look on his face all the time.
Quarles scares the shit out of me- he is just fully untethered now and in a free fall and the flashes of crazy rage we got glimpses of at the start is at the surface. Though I do agree, it's a lot less interesting, character-wise, now.
But there's no feeling of a safety net for the viewer- I honestly believe he could kill in the blink of an eye any character at any time for any reason (PROBABLY not Raylan unless they just have the Art, Tim, and Rachel show which I would be ALL ABOUT.)
Limehouse has some serious crazy locked up in there as well.
Quarles never had good. But i think up until they added the back story I believed him. Now I still believe he will kill in the blink of an eye. But I don't see him as real the way I see Limehouse who has tons of crazy. Or Dickey who is totally lacking in redeeming qualities but still who I see as human. The lack of depth is not in the good/evil mixture. Quarles seems more plot-point evil and less human evil.
I agree with most of what was said re Quarles(Including that a less-talented actor would not be able to make that even slightly's only thanks to NM that I bought that.) Is Raylan bad at testifying or is he "bad at testifying"? Was there a plan, or did his hormones get in the way? "Next time you say you're bad at something, I'm gonna believe you." Love Art's delivery, as always.
I got the sense that Raylan didn't want to be there and never did. I'm not sure how much more to read into it.
Yeah, it's not that I didn't get that.
of course, I meant that I wasn't sure if I was supposed to see more to it. I didn't, but I miss shit all the time.
I probably wouldn't wonder if everybody on that show didn't seem to operate on multiple levels...however, just because Raylan's larger-than-life doesn't mean he can't half-ass something, even though he usually doesn't.
I don't think he had a plan so much as he realized more or less while he was testifying that keeping Dickie in jail was not necessarily what he most wanted. And testifying as a victim rather than as a lawman was really sticking in his craw.
Art and Vasquez tried so hard, though. Poor guys.