I can't figure what Quarles has to offer Limehouse at this point. But I expect that will become clear next week.
Poor Winona. That's a bad day.
That Wynn Duffy/Raylan conversation was pure gold.
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
I can't figure what Quarles has to offer Limehouse at this point. But I expect that will become clear next week.
Poor Winona. That's a bad day.
That Wynn Duffy/Raylan conversation was pure gold.
That Wynn Duffy/Raylan conversation was put gold.
Oh yeah.
Were there a bunch of previouslys that we've never seen before? I hate that because I always feel like I missed something.
eta: like the sheriff that arrested Boyd. Have we seen that guy before?
Yes, he was the guy that Quarles bribed in the last episode.
I need a diagram to track the shitstorm that is raining down on Raylan and Harlan County.
And wrod to the banter between Wynn and Raylan. Thing of beauty, that. Especially taking place well within the personal bubble. Glad to see that Raylan was as weirded out by Wynn being so cowed and unlike himself as I was! "There you are!"
And I continue to love David Gomez's Vasquez as a breath of fresh air. A wholey independent character who will form his own judgments and opinions, without agenda. Not an ally, but not persecuting without cause.
Love that Quarles is psychotic, yet is rational and analytical, and has domestic issues.
I keep waiting for Dickie to rear his skinny head.
And I like that, for a law enforcement agency, doing outlaw shit, like beating suspects, gets called out. It looks cool, feels great, but there are consequences.
I kind of floved Winona's reaction (the actress was most excellent in that scene when she gets the news. I've really liked her this season) where she doesn't do the usual shit, but instead asks what her husband did to bring his death down upon him.
And Tim. Tim, man. May you not lose your screen time at this level.
I think I missed an entire episode somehow. Which is annoying now.
Excellent Tim and Art in this episode. I am missing Rachel though! Also, YAY VASQUEZ AND THE CRAZY SPEEDO WEARING FREAK JUDGE!
When was the Gary hit man stuff happening? Last season? Man, I've blocked almost all of that out except for my constant fever pitch anxiety over the well-being of Loretta. Oh, and that goddamn stolen money thing with Winona.
Tim, though. And it was good to see Wynn snap to a bit.
Poor, poor Gary. I really pity him.
Man, I love Tim. And I love David Vasquez, so how awesome was that to see him back.
Psych drive-by:
Shawn just introduced Gus as "Fellatio del Toro."
There was Psych? I have no Psych. The fuck.