I didn't think I could love Mozzie or El any more but when Mozzie showed up for her birthday and told Peter that he was doing it for Elizabeth and NOT Peter, I think there might have been actual hearts circling over my head.
I said "I wish Devil would die so that I could stop worrying about Dewey." Well, some of that came true. Loved Raylan talking about his childhood with Boyd and I'm believing that Boyd does consider him a friend in as far as their roles will allow them to be.
Winona is not bugging me like she did before, which makes me very worried for the life of her character and that of her baby.
I would almost be mad at the lack of Neal/Peter this week, but there was so much excellent El, plus her dad is Nate's dad, so great. Plus, Diahann Carroll, focus on Diana's relationship--it was all the other great stuff.
Is that who that was? I meant to ask where I was recognizing him from but then I guess my brain got full.
Dana and I were remarking tonight that hot prison medic was hot and also familiar, so I went through the guest stars and figured out that actor's name is Clayne Crawford.
He was the main zombie in The Zeppo.
You know, in addition to being Elliot's frenemy.
He was the main zombie in The Zeppo.
I thought that was Channon Roe?
I still wish The Hunger Games hadn't become such a huge thing, because I'd love to see the girl who plays Loretta as Katniss.
girl who plays Loretta as Katniss.
That would be awesome. Although she did remind me of Jennifer Lawrence at the time, because of Winter's Bone.
She seems a little too young to me, but maybe by only a year or two. So I guess she could have aged into it a bit.
Maybe a tiny bit young, but so badass! I didn't see Winter's Bone.