Le Sigh. Boomtown before they changed it to BoomMainstream. Hi, we're not canceling you just yet, we're just eliminating your entire premise.
I truly feared that NMcD and Raylan were going to have it out right then. All that first Act foreshadowing with his wrist-gun-thingy.
This season I truly love Ava and Winona. I sit back with Ava and think, yeah, she was abused, but she was also involved with a dirty man. Maybe she was a little more involved or in the know than we originally suspected. Or maybe it was not so much involved, as she was in the know, and now she's bullshitting and blustering with the best of them. Or maybe she would have been this way all along if her husband hadn't been so abusive, and treated her more as an equal.
I find it funny that Neal is such a barrel-chested bull of a man, and yet, after all these years, he's just so darned
Was Justified on last week? Because I keep trying to pull episode 3 up on Comcast On Demand and it Just.Isn't.There. It's driving me nuts.
Yeah. Josh Stashwick got lines, Dickie threatened by Josh's prison guard, Raylan shopping for houses and ending up hunting down roadblock runaway. Ava setting up meets for her beau Boyd with scary sumbitches on bridges. McDonough being scary as all f***.
Was that all just last week?
Thanks, Amy. I got the O right, at least.
Because I keep trying to pull episode 3 up on Comcast On Demand and it Just.Isn't.There. It's driving me nuts.
Me, too! My neighbors say that I am now two eps behind. I haven't checked On Demand in the last 48 hours, but I theorize (and hope) that, because FX airs last week's ep right before they air a new ep, that they are waiting until all network airings have run before letting Comcast load On Demand.
I think that is true for Cox, JC.
so it makes sense for comcast
Rachel and Raylan banter for the win!
"Dickie, we're getting chicken!"