I think one of the things that I am missing terribly from season 1 of Justified is feeling empathy for the "bad" guys, the supposed villains.
Me too.
When they cut to the silent observer putting his hand on the back of the other guy's neck, and the HUGE BURN THERE, wow. Shudder.
That whole scene was all deadly menace and a pig carcass. No wonder Boyd looked so nervous about having to deal with that scenario.
I think one of the things that I am missing terribly from season 1 of Justified is feeling empathy for the "bad" guys, the supposed villains.
I'm surprised y'all are missing that. I found the Bennetts terribly easy to empathize with and I'm already finding Neal McDonough's character sympathetic. I'm pretty sure there were one off characters last season, too, but my memory's too fuzzy to come up with any examples.
I'm intrigued by the possibilities with Limehouse so far. Neal McDonough's character doesn't really grab me so far, though.
I admit, I've been a big McDonough fan since Boomtown, so I'm primed, but those phone calls home are mighty intriguing.
Eta: so far Mr. Limehouse is just extremely scary. Which I also enjoy.
I found the Bennetts terribly easy to empathize with
Absolutely this. I'm warming up on this season, but season 2 was really well balanced for me, moreso than the first season, in fact.
The first season was great, but it didn't have the incredible focus and intimacy that S2 had. S2 just blew me away.
I'm not as big a Boyd fan as most people, I guess. I thought Mags was just amazing as the big bad, and it gave the season both more balance and cohesion than the first one. Which was plenty impressive! But I think the second was better.
I love that Boyd always buttons the top button of he shirts, even on the prison jumpsuit!
is taping for me at home, but I gave in to temptation and watched the latest episode on iTunes.
I was delighted by the shout-out to Bass Reeves, but it did seem a little contrived. I wonder if the writers didn't know about the 2010 movie, or did know but thought it was poorly done (which the comment on imdb would seem to indicate).
White Collar: did anyone else smile at "Rebecca Ryan" - makes you want the baddie to be Count Renlo.