Who was the guy at the end? He looked familiar, but I don't remember.
In case you meant the actor, not the character, it's Saul Rubinek from Warehouse 13, etc.
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Who was the guy at the end? He looked familiar, but I don't remember.
In case you meant the actor, not the character, it's Saul Rubinek from Warehouse 13, etc.
There was plenty of theoretical time for him to exit though the opposite side of the building, if they want to play TV explosions.
I'm okay either way...but now I realise I could just ask, huh? I wonder if he'd tell me.
Dubenich is gonna wish Nate had been in that warehouse. Lordy mercy.
I expect better from Leverage.
So, no falling naked from the ceiling?
I don't think so. He was watching the clock count down, and we saw it (and the others) explode while he was standing there, didn't we?
I only remember it getting to two. Which is why I say TV bomb time.
Okay, I have an answer now. Speculation mode set to off.
ita, you are KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN to me!
There was a younger blond pretty boy in the middle that's not ringing bells for me either. Not on the level of the other two--was he the guy that fought Eliot to a standstill in the hangar at the end of S1, I think? A RL friend of Christian's?
Riley Smith. And, yeah, RL friend of Kane. He was the faux Eliot in that one thing and then fought in the hanger the other time.
Faux Eliot in which thing?
The one where they all recalled the same night stealing a (maybe?) dagger? He played Eliot playing a fake doctor.