And yet some of the characterizations are really brilliant -- Jessica Lange as Constance, for example. She's really the most developed character on the show.
The (brief) new family was interesting simply because it illustrated that the Harmons weren't really anything special -- the ghosts are going to go after any new residents the same way every time. But the Harmons are different because now the whole family is together, and happy in a way they weren't when they moved in, which is just fucked up and sort of brilliant -- as in, what does it take to be happy in America? How do you achieve the dream?
Ugh, I love it. It's ridiculous and over the top and the most fun I've had watching TV in a while. And then every once in a while it's really moving, too!
Yeah, it's totally bonkers - and totally willing to go
wherever there may be.
i'm pretty sure Evan Peters beats Dylan McDermott in the tears department. i was just coming to post that he's one of the best on-screen criers i've ever seen.
I can't even justify my love for Tate, but there it is.
(This may count as a spoiler, I don't know, but I think it's kind of important to know as we continue discussing the finale and what might happen next season.)
I started to read it, but I actually don't want to be spoiled at all. I'm loving the complete shock every episode delivers so far.
tiggy, I love Tate, too. It's awful, he really is a complete psychopath, but he's also this lost, lonely little boy. And the kid who plays him is great.
The actor who plays Tate has me wrapped around his finger -- I just love his performances. How he makes this murdering, raping kid sympathetic to me, I don't even know.
And you know what? Kudos to Dylan McDermott, because I mostly wanted to punch him in the neck all season, and this last episode, I wanted to high-five him a lot. Well, after he was dead. Which is about what I think the writers were going for, so good job pulling it off, D!
I always love Connie Britton, but now I'm just sort of in love with the whole bunch! I love the scene where the maid (I can't remember her name, oops) was like, "Yeah no. You're a ghost now, you need to get your own tea," but not mean or anything. It was funny.
Where they took this show in twelve episodes is, I think, pretty damn brilliant.
It still surprises me that Vivian never says "y'all," though.
Oh, and I loved the brief cameo of the exterminator in service of scaring the new couple out of the house. It was hilariously random.
Crap. io9 just spoiled me for P-C's links. I guess I would have heard before the new season aired, but wow. I'm half fascinated and half really disappointed.
I sense fic needing to be written, if only for myself.