Man, imagine watching the whole freaky show in one giant block.
That could totally mess you up.
We'll find out. I think we'll probably have the season done by the end of this week, since there isn't much else airing this week that we both watch. There is only one more episode, airing this week, right?
I think i may have to do a season re-watch soon.
Darn. WRT American Horror Story, I just realized that I do not have Halloween Part 2 saved on the DVR, and it is no longer listed on demand. How critical is it going to be to miss that episode? We're watching Part 1 right now.
Um, it's super critical. Can you ahem? Or read a recap, at least. There are some important things revealed, although you can probably pick up on them in future episodes too.
Aheming is not an option with my current computer unfortunately. I guess we'll read a recap.
Are there no legal options for catching up from the beginning? I kind of never started...
Amazon Instant has it; maybe iTunes?
My computer has a dead sound card, so even legal downloading is not an option for me.
You can ahem and burn the AVI to a CD, if you have a DVD player that plays VCDs. Or maybe you can actually burn it to a playable DVD with the right software. I only know how to do VCDs. I don't know whether iTunes videos will burn like that, though.
You can ahem and burn the AVI to a CD, if you have a DVD player that plays VCDs. Or maybe you can actually burn it to a playable DVD with the right software. I only know how to do VCDs. I don't know whether iTunes videos will burn like that, though.
CD-Rom is dead too. I really do need a new computer.