I thought between the drama of Vivien finding them, and losing her baby, and the move, we were supposed to assume that *was* the last time Ben had sex with Hayden. But it's hard to tell on this show.
I mean, Vivien and Ben had sex once, and like three days later she was telling him she was pregnant, so.
I'm enjoying this, but even more than on Nip/Tuck, Ryan Murphy's issues with women are really glaring.
I finally had to get rid of Psych. Too much Sean drama. Which is sort of the point, I get, but it's too much.
I still like Psych. Gus and Lassiter keep me wanting to tune in. It would be kind of nice if it were less about Sean, but, yeah, not the point of the show, I guess. I loved last night's Hangover episode. Lassie looked kind of hot with the black eye.
Gus and Lassie kept me for the last season, but I couldn't last.
I hope Opie and Jax take turns beating Clay to death.
I knew it. I knew that Piney had signed his death warrant by giving Clay that extra time. I can only hope that he put some safeguards in place before he died.
American Horror Story renewed!
This is really confusing.
Still would rather have a second season of Terriers.
even more than on Nip/Tuck, Ryan Murphy's issues with women are really glaring.
This is going to keep me from watching even one second of this show, despite my love for Mrs. Coach. Plus he was such a dick about his young Glee actors this summer.
Covert Affairs is back tonight.