Yes, it's wackadoo and makes no sense - like there were too many things going on all at once.
Also: Dylan McDermott is naked alot in the show, isn't he?
Not a complaint: just an observation.
The maid is bizarre and interesting. The neighbors are also odd and I'm wondering if there isn't some sort of timey-wimey stuff going on.
I think the maid might be my favorite so far.
Don't get me started! But I agree it's a totally interesting character/weirdness. I just don't get his not saying to his wife, "Are you fucking nuts?" about hiring the hot maid who throws herself at him while he is trying to come back from an affair, no matter how much of a walking, talking fantasy she is. So, per Jesse's advice, I'm not going to think about it anymore.
But it's completely interesting that they're seeing different women, or different ages.
I just don't get his not saying to his wife, "Are you fucking nuts?" about hiring the hot maid who throws herself at him while he is trying to come back from an affair, no matter how much of a walking, talking fantasy she is.
He totally almost did, but talked himself out of it!
I will believe you, because I'm not going to rewatch -- was it in the kitchen when he first saw her?
Yeah -- he did a double-take and finally just said something to the wife like, "You are so.... surprising" or similar.
Yes - I guess he was seeing it as a sign of trust on her part.
Aright, I'll go with that interpretation, even though that was a pretty half-assed attempt, and why the hell would he believe that she trust him? I'd have more thought, "She is totes testing me!" He is clearly living in that fantasy world that we sometimes like to pretend is real. Well, except that his is kind of a phantasmagorical, isn't it? It will be interesting to see how it plays out now that she's obviously throwing herself at him.
Weird-ass show. Maybe I will have to watch again just for the fun of discussing it here.
Oh lord, there are so many questions. Just two for now: 1) who was in the bondage suit and a) was that her vision or his in the kitchen?
No idea who or what was in the bondage suit. What was the vision in the kitchen?
Where Dylan's character holds his hand over the flame at the oven and Jessica Lange's character stops him and tells him it's not his time to die yet?