I think it could happen eventually.(Although he does have an authority problem and at least one member of the brass hates his guts, so...) Of course I know more about the Baltimore police hierarchy than FDNY. But really the part that would help me explain to newbies why I love that show is the part where the Probie is grieving for his mother and he says something about not making gay jokes, and Lou hugs him and they agree "No gay jokes...today." Tomorrow, they'll have tons of them. I loved that.
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
I've been watching Burn Notice. I like it, but the voice overs a little annoying.
I like it, too. I don't like Fiona though. They're taking the violent, needy streak too far.
I like the violent streak but not the needy one.
I like the voiceovers, but I'm not sure why. I like the MacGyver-y bits. The stories are still pretty thin, and they are filling a lot of air time with scenic shots of Miami.
I like the violent streak but not the needy one.
It's too over the top sometimes, like when she rigged the car to blow up as opposed to not work.
Another thing is that they often show Micheal's social awkwardness, like when he was buying the cheap cell phone and the woman said "oh, are you buying it for your daughter" and he said "no", and she looked at him strangely. that's the kind of stuff that makes people remember you, and you don't want people to remember you if you're a spy. He was also awkward when talking to Sophie. You'd think that a good spy would know how to say what people need/want to hear.
Oh god. Did you guys watch Psych? It was hilarious. I laughed 'til I cried and the guest start? Tim Curry.
Also guesting? Gina Gershon.
Hopefully USA will repeat it 5 million times before the next episode so that you can still catch it.
Also: I do find the v.o.s on Burn Notice to be overused.
Tim Curry was AWESOME. He's gained a lot of weight, what's going on with that?
I watched Psych because of Tim Curry and Gina Gershon and I'm so glad I did! It was funny. Not normally a show I watch (the lead guy bugs me) but the take off of American Idol was funny.
I'm catching up on S2 of The Closer. I just watched the first three episodes and I really like Brenda's mom. Loved that "Thank you so much" is something she picked up from her mother. Plus her mom taking pictures of the squad. I hope there's a bit more of her.
Yeah, she's great.
I'm catching up on Psych, and just cannot believe how much I love this show. I haven't even gotten to the new ones, I'm still rewatching the old ones they marathoned before the premiere.
Also watched last week's Closer. Jesus fuck was that intense. And again, I'm just struck by how these characters just get more and more real. Taylor's become so much more than I thought he would be from the first season.
Daniels is still a cypher, though. And I guess she and Gabriel are still dating. Who knew? Right, none of us, because apparently that story line isn't even interesting to the writers, let alone the rest of us.