I've been recording all this season (half-season? The recently aired episodes) of Rescue Me but I've been reluctant to watch it. Has it been good?
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
I've enjoyed it.
That is the reassurance I was looking for.
Don't ask me...I was still watching when they were trading that poor baby around like a chess piece. But I thought that most of it has been pretty good. I'm going to miss that show.
Yeah, I slogged through that whole baby business right beside you, erika, yet I am suddenly squeamish that this last little bit will be disappointing. You'd tell me if it was that bad again, right?
Just watched the season finale of Nikita (missed it during the regular season) and words cannot express how tickled I was to see Madeline as Oversight.
words cannot express how tickled I was to see Madeline as Oversight.
I guess I should finish watching it all the way through.
One of the gawker sites had a piece on the dearth of female writers in TV, and I was all "I HAVE ONE!!!"
Not that this is the best place for this discussion.
words cannot express how tickled I was to see Madeline as Oversight.
this was actually only the second time I've watched the show and I was tickled too!
I really liked Rizzoli and Isles last night, although everyone seemed to have recovered pretty quickly from some very traumatic shit. Still, it hit a lot of my buttons.