Dani so couldn't handle Nico.
I think he might be good for her in the places where I feel like she lacks maturity.
Matthew! I'm very simple and I like his huge puppydogness.
Don't need Dani for this. Though all the sexy fantasy dream sequences she had when they first said they couldn't see each other...I was grateful to her for those.
I like Matthew and Dani's chemistry.. I like Nico's chemistry period.
I resent the idea that Rizzoli is some sort of fashion-blind tomboy. Those brows are plucked to within a hair of their lives, and she is wearing makeup I don't know how to put on my self.
I resent the idea that Rizzoli is some sort of fashion-blind tomboy. Those brows are plucked to within a hair of their lives, and she is wearing makeup I don't know how to put on my self.
She dresses well too. You're right, they're completely inconsistent with who she is supposed to be and how she actually looks.
Tomboys look like my girl Kay Howard(well, okay, generally minus Hair by Botticelli, but she just kinda yanked it back and treated it with minimum respect.)
The few times Kay wore a dress and makeup we could see she felt funny and that she's probably like me, with one melted lipstick somewhere in her house.
Still, there are male and female "Homicide" fans that harbor(ha...accidental pun) many dirty thoughts about her.
Still, there are male and female "Homicide" fans that harbor(ha...accidental pun) many dirty thoughts about her.
That's because she was MADE OF AWESOME.
Definitely. I still wish i'd written the fanfic I thought about about Ed Danvers, where you know, Kay's bragging about his sexual prowess has got around, and suddenly? he goes to file a motion and the women in the courthouse are all like "How *you* doin'?" and "Man, it's always the quiet ones..."
And he's getting coffee for free everywhere and has no idea why and is thinking people dig a good closing argument way more than they did even the previous week.
Maybe I should still do it...fandom isn't that time sensitive, after all.
I don't have anything against tomboys who can turn themselves out elegantly. I just hate when they pretend they haven't done anything, and looking good mystifies them, and is something to be judged, when they're patently dolled up as they say it.
I know what you mean...pretending that she's slopped on any old thing when she's really impeccable.
I've only seen R&I a few times, but they do that on a lot of shows. It's like they think if we see anyone non-glamourous our eyes will fall out.
When Melissa Leo was on Fresh Air, I think she said a big part of her falling-out with the producers or whatever was over Kay not wearing makeup.
It's The Pretender!
Yes! And what's-his-name was the bomb-maker! Uh...[imdb] Patrick Bauchau. Sydney.