Excellent. I was just thinking last night that some more Burn Notice would be nice.
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Breaking Bad: Aha! Boho-chic chick in flashback! I'm glad to be catching these in order in repeat. I was pretty shocked about the dudes in the bathtub and basement. I guess I thought it would follow the path of Weeds more, where it really was pretty benign (assuming you think pot is pretty benign) for a long time.
Speaking of Weeds, I just finished watching Season 3. NANCY, whoa! That's quite the ending!
Dexter music:
Composer Daniel Licht has been making bone-tingling music for the series, but last night he was literally tingling bones -- using pre-Columbian instruments made from human and animal bones. Licht called upon musical-archaeologist Elisabeth Waldo, who allowed him to incorporate some of her prized instruments, made from a human femur bone. "Dexter Donuts" [link]
So last night I tivoed Wire in the Blood so that I could watch both that and Masterpiece Classic. And once again my BBCA feed was sucking like a very sucky thing. It was okay for most of it and then in the last 20 minutes the picture just disintigrated. It was appalling. Luckily I was able to record it again in the middle of the night.
But can you imagine how annoying it was to be in that final bit where he figures everything out and to get NOTHING?]
Also, it was a bit surprising and disappointing that it was not set in the UK this episode.
The Texas accents were pretty good though, as in not just generic Southern (except for the judge) but pretty near what I hear on the nightly news.
Do you think that they mostly hired local actors?
OMG, IMDB says that the woman who played the judge also played "Trish Burkle" on Angel !
No wonder "Julie Rice" seemed so familiar - she also plays Pam Garrity.
ETA: In fact, alot of the cast has appeared in FNL and/or Prison Break.
So maybe then! I just hate it when shows act like southern accents are interchangeable. I mean, you don't see a Boston or New York accent when a show wants to tell you someone is from the north.
I mean, you don't see a Boston or New York accent when a show wants to tell you someone is from the north.
Yes, but you do have people sounding like the Kennedys when they are supposed to be from Boston. And don't even get me started on all the crap Downeast accents I've heard over the years.
Yeah, I just watched that episode of Wire in the Blood via download, and apparently they actually went to Texas and used Texas actors and everything.
And pulled out every Texas cliche they could think of.