I'm trying to put a positive spin on it. (Besides the fact that Gina left to have a baby girl, which is pretty positive.) Maybe seeing a new character's perspective on the old familiar team will be fun.
They've starting writing Season 3 and start filming in the summer. Gina will be back. Though maybe not as Sophie! Won't that be strange, if she comes using her real identity and we all have to adjust to a new name and maybe a new accent? It'll be the opposite of the Darrin syndrome: same actor, (somewhat) different character.
Zen, unless that's random speculation on your part, that is a spoiler.
No, it's not. "Sophie" said she's getting rid of her identities and buried Sophie Devereaux to that end. It remains to see how that will play out.
Unless you mean the bit about her returning...
No, it's not. "Sophie" said she's getting rid of her identities and buried Sophie Devereaux to that end. It remains to see how that will play out.
that's what I meant about random speculation. I took that to be metaphorical, but it's possible that there's some information out there that says it's not.
I guess you could take Sophie saying she was getting rid of her identities/working out who she really was as metaphorical, but I'm not sure why you wouldn't take her at her word. The tombstone is metaphorical support of that.
The tombstone is metaphorical support of that.
Except wasn't the funeral for Catherine something? But then the tombstone said Sophie Devereaux.
The original funeral was for Catherine and the tombstone for the service reflected that. The tombstone that Sophie appeared next to at the end of the episode said Sophie Devereaux.
Ooh, just saw a Leverage promo with a quick shot of Elliot hitting someone who looked a whole lot like Badger.
It is Badger! Very exciting.
And someone has named a sandwich after Eliot. One can only wonder...
My mind just went to a Hardison/Elliot/Parker sandwich place.