I'm just hoping no one yells, "Quick! Get the Hyundai Genesis!"
You mean apart from the audience? Specifically, me.
But, hey, I like the show. So I'm not knocking however they want to pay to make it.
'Heart Of Gold'
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
I'm just hoping no one yells, "Quick! Get the Hyundai Genesis!"
You mean apart from the audience? Specifically, me.
But, hey, I like the show. So I'm not knocking however they want to pay to make it.
Um... *blushes*
And yet, the pron I've seen hasn't even reached that level yet. It's fascinating in a bit of a sick way, comparing the fic written for Jayne and Simon (or Mal and Simon) and that for WC, that no matter the characters onscreen, one character becomes grossly controlling, and the other simpering and weak. It at least makes me feel better that these writers don't actually see the characters on the show as such, but are simply twisting the template to fit their own fantasy.
Because really people? Caffrey isn't a fragile butterfly when it comes to guns. I just rewatched All In and the dude is standing there while the cops rain fire in the room, and he's weighing his options. Not cowering behind a table thinking about his next step. Standing UP.
Between looking for good fic (ha!) with a reasonable theory for what's up with Burke and Kate and Operation Mentor, listening to Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk snigger about Simon and River's closeness on the commentary for War Stories, speed-watching Carnivale for the Jonesy bits (um, not entirely like THAT), I'm afraid my brain is lodged firmly in the gutter. This would explain why I was sniggering during the staff meeting when they mentioned needing a professional voice for the adult options on the voicemail system.
The adult options on the voicemail system? What?
There seriously isn't any serious pron for this show yet?
And I've just finished S2E9, and HMOG are they seriously going to replace Sophie with skinny duck-lipped Jeri freaking Ryan? I shall expire. Sophie has class and subtlety; this character is an asshole.
eta Seriously. That left a bad taste in my mouth. I wish I hadn't watched that until the new epsiodes were ready to start. I really dislike Jeri Ryan.
The adult options on the voicemail system? What?
We're doing something with apps and phones and there's going to be an extension for the kids to listen to a "talking tree" as they walk through the gardens and woods, and then there will be the other extension for mummy and daddy giving a historical tour of the grounds. Or something.
There has been prawn/OT3 for WC since the very first episode, it seems. And no one can figure out that with there being at least three kink lj's, that whitecollarfic doesn't need triplicates of the non-het fic. Even the non-slash is slash.
There seriously isn't any serious pron for this show yet?
Oh no, there's a lot of it.
I haven't even added in the Yuletide stuff yet.
eta: I thought you were talking about Leverage. For WC, there is also a lot, but not in that tag.
I think JR is a temp thing, because of the actor's pregnancy.
Oh, Perkins. Thanks for the fic recs; I was indeed talking about Leverage. And thanks for reassuring me Jeri Ryan was nonpermanent. I've just found John ROgers' blog. Catching up. Didn't even know Gina was pregnant. I see it in retrospect, but I never would have if it hadn't been pointed out to me. Sometimes I think I'm just barely one step above Parker when it comes to normal human interaction.
Zen, they were actually really good about hiding it, some interesting new techniques more than big purses and strategically placed plants. I particularly liked the use of kimono sleeves.
They really hid it well. I might not have noticed if I hadn't seen the actor in town.
I was indeed talking about Leverage
Oh! I just assumed you weren't since it's been on longer than White Collar. Plenty of time for there to be p0rn.
Shrift wrote one of those stories at the link above. A good one, it happens.