Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
In Plain Sight has no dog that I remember. If Mary gets all happy, the show will be over. Though her relationship with her fiancee could get a little less miserable. Burn Notice has had very few sex scenes, and as I recall they're all the fight-then-fuck kind. I don't like Fiona at all; I was hoping last season she'd go away. White Collar is young yet; the only thing it's done yet to offend me is get rid of the awesome FBI "probie" who was in the first episode.
I get why they think Monk is fun, not a downer; it's because of the "funny" situations that Monk gets into because of his OCD and his phobias, and how "funny" he acts because of them. I am rarely able to watch the show; I spend so much time cringing at things I'm supposed to be laughing at, it's just not ... what's the word? oh, right, "funny". Shaloub plays Monk very sympathetically; he never makes fun of the character, but the scripts do. That Monk retains any dignity is entirely due to Shaloub. I'm planning to watch the last two episodes because I've seen enough of the series to care, but I'll cheerfully say goodbye.
Do those people watch their own shows?
I don't remember any dogs in Burn Notice, in In Plain Sight, or in the Royal Pains episodes that I saw. Maybe (hopefully?) the entire article is meant to be a parody?
I read a similar article about USA a while ago, and it made me curious to see the original concept of Burn Notice, despite liking the show as is.
I don't think I'd like Burn Notice better if it were darker. I like it that USA shows are a little fluffy. I get enough dark.
I stopped watching Royal Pains. I kind of liked the lead character and I liked his assistant, but everyone else was annoying.
I gave up on Royal Pains too. I grew to hate the brother -- there was no logical reason for him to be there, much less for him to go along on medical calls, and I really disliked the endless dithering of the intended romantic interest. The assistant was cool, and I would have liked to see how the tension between what her traditional parents wanted her to do with her life played out with what she herself wanted, but not enough to tolerate all the other annoyances of the show.
Oh! I forgot to mention the 16-year-old rich kid. He was interesting too. But he wasn't on screen all that often.
Does anyone know anything about this new TNT show, with Andre Braugher and Scott Bakula? I like them both (so long as I ignore the existence of Enterprise), but the advertising makes it look kind of meh.
I love Scott Bakula and Andre Braugher, and even though I am not crazy about the premise, I want them on my televison. However, this desire could quickly be overshadowed by my hatred for Ray Romano.
The presence of a financial manager for a company makes sense, since the doctor brother has no financial concern whatsoever.
Basically the show has no there there for me, plus the romance angle is supremely annoying.
Thinking the show Monk is fun is different from the character, I think. I think he's definitely been portrayed as depressed the whole series, and as a victim of his disease.
TNT is where the darker goes. But then you get Dark Blue, and you realise they've gone too far.
I never watched Royal Pains. I really don't like that actor. There's something about him.
It's one of those shows (like Dark Blue) that never made it onto a season pass but ate up time I needed desperately to pass when I was jobless. I hope to be employed when it comes back on air, so I'm not even tempted. He's...nice enough. But his appearance distracts me. He's not as goodlooking as the show insists.
I liked "Royal Pains" but I'm not sure why. I was entertained every week, but I couldn't stand the main romance - those two don't have a heckuva lot of chemistry.
I do not like Ray Romano, so I am avoiding that TNT show like the plague. The only thing that could possibly draw me in is if the show suddenly became a procedural and Ray Romano dies in the 1st or 2nd episode.