I wasn't really feeling this episode until Betty was telling Don she didn't love him. That gave me a sick feeling in my stomach, but I may just be flashing back to the end of my first marriage.
It's sick making but I hope they don't back away from that. Now I want to see Don be divorced and discover how much he misses being a father. He won't have much access to the kids, especially if Betty remarries. But I don't see how she could be happy with Henry either. She'll be just as trapped in suburbia, just as discontented.
And I'd like to see Pete and Sal and Peggy and Joan wind up with Duck's firm. Or Duck's firm buys out Sterling Cooper and everything goes kablooey.
Well, Don does call her Bets.
do we really think that Henry is really going to marry her?
do we really think that Henry is really going to marry her?
I don't. But I think she's ready to jump.
Oh yes, I see what you're saying. I can see her leaving Don, then Henry backpedaling, and her coming crawling back. Also, it occurred to me that Henry must be 15-20 years older than Betty, since he has an adult daughter.
Also, it occurred to me that Henry must be 15-20 years older than Betty, since he has an adult daughter.
Right, you could see Betty calculating all that at the wedding.
I don't see Henry marrying her - but then, I don't see the point of her leaving Don only to marry somebody else. . . somebody that she only has the most tenuous connection to, you know?
On the other hand, she probably feels like she has no other option.
(Do you guys think that Don is feeling - maybe not in a way that he could articulate - that Betty doesn't love him because of who Dick Whitman is and not because of everything else in their marriage?)