Yes, and agreed. Although
I was disappointed when Gemma didn't take the shot after all.
I can't see any way it can end well. Actually, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to not end well. But I also can't imagine what would make for even a satisfying ending, given the setup.
dcp, I was
disappointed too. It that world there was no reason for her not to take the shot.
I also agree that
I can't see the season ending well. Actually between what happened to Donna and everything happening with Gemma, I can't really see the season ending without Clay getting seriously hurt or dead.
I think I need to go re-read
just to see if any similarities remain.
I'm expecting bad things to happen to Tara - based on Hamlet. Is the sheriff Laertes?
he always was one, he just seemed to show his asshole peacock feathers this episode.
Stay classy, Don Draper!
Otherwise, I'm just repeating "Poor Sal!" over and over again.
I really hope that's not the last we see of Sal. Love that guy.
I still can't believe Peggy did Duck - and he dirty talked to her, too! EW!