My speculation is total crap, but I'll put it out there anyway:
Don goes to work directly for Conrad Hilton. He asks Joan to go with him.
I know it's crap, but it's my own little fantasy.
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
My speculation is total crap, but I'll put it out there anyway:
Don goes to work directly for Conrad Hilton. He asks Joan to go with him.
I know it's crap, but it's my own little fantasy.
There's a fair amount of speculation in blog land that Don might lead a splinter group off from Sterling Cooper.
yes. I think it is time.
So who would Don take with him if he started his own company?
Peggy & Joan, obviously. Probably Sal. Ken, maybe? Leaving Pete top dog back at SC?
Peggy & Joan, obviously. Probably Sal. Ken, maybe? Leaving Pete top dog back at SC?
I think that he would ask Ken, but Ken would stay at SC. Pete would come to Don and whine about not being asked to join them.
Oh, side note: Does anyone watch Sons of Anarchy and see who was in the movie they were making?
I was going to say Don better not use "tse tse fly" as a codeword as Ari Gold attempted to do with his "coup" but that joke wouldn't be funny in their world for, what, fifteen years.
I've looked and my Google-fu is suffering. Who is that playing Conrad Hilton? I know I know him from somewhere, but I can't for the life of me find it in this rattrap brain of mine.
Nevermind - just found it!! Woohoo!
Had to mention that I love how successful Ken is in his role when Pete is just struggling. Shades of the writing from the first season.
Oh, and we haven't seen any fallout yet from Don seeing Sal in the hotel room, right?
Had to mention that I love how successful Ken is in his role when Pete is just struggling.
Pete just brought in a million dollar jai lai account, so I think they're both doing okay. In fact, PPL's plan is working perfectly