Hee! Oh, Scrappy, that's amazing to see a character who could have been a relative!
I thought Grampa Eugene's special status for Sally and near-total disdain for Bobby said a lot for how Betty's brother William turned out.
I wonder if Betty is one of those women who looooove babies, and don't really have much interest in older children?
Wow, that episode had everything. They got the subtle reference in to the JFK assassination, Joan being The Coolest Woman Alive, a great Peggy/Joan scene that had all kinds of history but didn't have to spell it out, Good Daddy Don, Bad Mommy Betty, Roger being a hilariously snarky bastard, mayhem, product placement, Peggy falling into Pete's arms, and the immortal line: "He'll never golf again."
Roger being a hilariously snarky bastard
OMG, his "foot in the door" line was evil but hilarious.
I just realized what all those scenes between Joan and Peggy and Don reminded me of. It was Buffy getting the Class Protector Award. Everybody wanted to let Joan know how valued she is.
I loved the scene with Joan and Peggy.
I loved the scene with Joan and Peggy.
Yeah, I love their relationship. I don't want them to be roommates, but I do think sometime around 1970, when Joan becomes a feminist and has a Jane Fonda shag haircut, Peggy will finally be able to return some of the favor.
I haven't seen the ep yet (leave it to me to miss the episode that FINALLY generated discussion around here...) but I read the recap on amc and read the thread and I have to wonder if it is Doctor Greg who's faceplanted on the carpet and is gone like a gone thing, if Joan might not just wind up having another fling with Roger?
Just Because She Can.
I'd forgotten about Joan and Roger. Maybe he'll leave and hire her elsewhere.
I could see a rival agency being set up with Duck, Peggy, (Pete?) and Joan. I think there's a lot of deliciousness that could sprout from there.
Except for the fact that I hate Duck (he ditched his dog!) I would be rooting for that agency.
Lots of refs, and foreshadowing to the war stuff, too.
Really nice moment between Peggy and Joan. I was so glad Peggy had the stones to acknowledge how much Joan had done for her.
Nice moment between Joan & Don at the hospital, too. And the timing was perfect, with the Brits walking in all somber faced just when they were collapsing in inappropriate giggles.
The limb loss was a bit rough (and startled the heck out of my SO who was watching with me for pretty much the first time, resulting in him demanding I fill him in on all sorts of backstory). Particularly because I just got word an acquaintance of ours in Nashville, aspiring singer/songwriter, just rolled her SUV and has already lost her little finger and may lose her index finger on her left hand. So dismemberment particularly forefront on the mind, and then, whammo!
I do think things look bleak for Joan for a while, though. There's no way asshole doctor doesn't take out his frustrations on her.
Oh, and what is happening with Roger? Was it really an oversight that he wasn't on the list. Doubt it. But where they drew him in was under someone and over no one. He's just adrift.