Such a relief.
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Rescue Me: So what, did Tommy have a blackout or something? Not unlike its cousin Nip/Tuck, sometimes I get confused about what is actually happening and what is supposed to illustrate how a character is feeling. Also, seriously, can any more bad shit happen to this family?
Psych: It was so cute on Friday! I loved Henry making Shawn wear that damned shirt, and Shawn riding in on the horse, and Gus being all, "I don't do horses." I love this show times a million.
Burn Notice: Awesome, we're getting somewhere! With both Fi and the dossier. I'm really looking forward to next week, to find out who was behind the burn notice; I was worried a bit that this was going to be some kind of Alias loose-end, where the thing is never resolved and nothing is as it seems, but I only have enough investment for a straightforward figuring of things out. And can I just say, it's astonishing how well Jeff Donovan's smile works in so many different situations?
Miami Ink: So now Ami and Nunez are on the rocks? This has to be kind of constructed because there's no way they would sacrifice the shop for one little fight.
Also, Kat has a new show, interesting. I didn't think she'd be that interested in running her own shop, but I'll tune in, see what happens. Also, she hired a couple more women artists, which is awesome. Here's hoping it works out for her.
And now, to catch up on The Dead Zone...
Rescue Me: some speculate that he is in a coma. . . or dead - could he be in purgatory? Or maybe in a coma dreaming that he's in purgatory?
Psych - I'm just enjoying it. Who knew that Gus had a mysterious past?
Burn Notice - great and written by Mere Smith!!
State of Mind: Barry and James. .. so cute. But why couldn't James just tell Barry why he thought that Liz would be the better custodial parent? (Of course, it all winds up a wash.)
Army Wives - people who deserved it got their comeuppance! Frank tries to reconcile with the kid. Next week is the season finale!
Side Order of Life - OMG, main character girl was a child pageant contestant. That is just so perfect.
Psych: It was so cute on Friday! I loved Henry making Shawn wear that damned shirt, and Shawn riding in on the horse, and Gus being all, "I don't do horses." I love this show times a million.
I like it too, but Shawn skates too close to the annoying edge too often. they need to make sure that they keep reining it in, because that can very quickly go overboard. that said, my love for Gus is overwhelming and I love him times a million.
I'm still liking Burn Notice. Voiceover is still a little annoying, but it does give you valuable info, so I can't get but so irritated with it. (unlike Painkiller Jane, where it was just random musings about bullshit)
State of Mind: Barry and James. .. so cute. But why couldn't James just tell Barry why he thought that Liz would be the better custodial parent? (Of course, it all winds up a wash.)
I know! But Barry called him out on it, that he was so concerned about being right that he couldn't help Barry.
I like the show, but the imaginary characters are annoying. It was bad enough when it was Ann, but now Barry? Silly and distracting. okay, your dad's an asshole, we get it. We got that last show.
Barry's hallucinating his dad wouldn't have been so bad if Ann weren't also hallucinating her superhero. The dreams at the beginning were more than enough.
But I watch for Barry and James.
Burn Notice -- I liked Michael jumpig up and down on the car yelling "My Neighborhood!" his attitude combined with Donovan's smile really made it seem like a kid's tantrum. And he was shirtless again and I'm shallow and liked it. Also loved the way he manipulated the FBI guy, although I have to admit I liked him and their chemistry and was sorry to see him go. And I'm glad that it's been picked up for another season.
Rescue Me: I considered the dream a couple times. It might be. I think that Side Order of Life and State of Mind are fun, if not great.
Well - the stigmata.
The baby being saved by being dipped in water.
I'm not sure how the speech from "On the Waterfront" fits. . .
People's brains are freaky.
I can see where Brenda gets her interrogation skills.