Cyclists - very tall, lean and angular.
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Rescue Me: Was bored by this week's installment, and wishing they'd taken Sheila out in the festival of death last season. When they first got together, it was all sexy and wrong...imagine if Buffy and Spike had three seasons to complain that the other had lost that loving feeling.
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Wow, you weren't kidding about the hair.
Yeah, that was very scary hair.
That's as bad as Ron Glass's hair in that one episode of Firefly. It could send small children screaming.
It's good, for a wig. Bad, for hair.
It's good, for a wig. Bad, for hair.
Agreed. Rather impressed with it as a wig.
That's as bad as Ron Glass's hair in that one episode of Firefly. It could send small children screaming.
Also agreed.
Keep on walking, hacker man.
OMG. Why did no one warn me about the hair? Okay, fine, yes, I was warned.
<click. clicky click, click.>
OMG. Why did no one warn me about the hat? For reals, people! The hair cannot be contained by the hat.