Jeffrey Donovan, of Burn Notice is arrested for DUI.
Maybe he's doing research? Okay. Probably not.
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Jeffrey Donovan, of Burn Notice is arrested for DUI.
Maybe he's doing research? Okay. Probably not.
That reminds me that I need to watch Burn Notice sometime soon. At least I need to find out when DH's cousin (same name as my son) is in the show. He apparently is in at least a couple episodes as an Irish gangster. I guess they film in Miami. I really know nothing about it. I'm guessing his mother will call me when they air, but I should watch in advance so I'll know something about it.
It's a cute show. A bit formulaic, but I enjoy it. Mostly for the Bruce Campbell, if I'm honest.
Since it is in season 3, do I need to do anything more than read their website a bit and maybe watch a couple shows to see what is happening?
It is always fun to see the local landmarks, and seeing Robbie will be a required family thing. I only recently heard about him being cast, so I don't even know if he has filmed yet.
Burn Notice is my "I'm really bored" show. And yes, terribly formulaic. I got excited during the season finale where Michael drives into the truck, and I thought the formula was about to be shaken up, and then immediately no joy.
Laura, no deep research is required but the last few episodes of last season are worth a watch.
The premise is set up in the opening credit sequence, so you won't be mystified by anything that happens.
I just started watching a month or two ago and it's decent fluffy fun. And no, there's really no learning curve to it.
a month or two ago and it's decent fluffy fun
give a year or two and the fluff will start to clog your arteries.
Snerk. If that were true, I'd have ground to a walt years ago.
Anyone who's jonesin' for some Mad Men before the S3 premiere, iTunes has added a free download of the Top 10 moments of the first two seasons. They could have easily done the Top 20-- I was shocked that Duck letting his dog out onto the street didn't make the list.