Yeah, me too. I think that I mentioned that at the end of last season.
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
At the end of the last season I thought she might be saving the guy, since he was the one that killed her, and the girl was just a way to get to him. A plot to kill all those cops I completely didn't get.
Rescue Me seems to be about the wacky for the sake of it again...Frank was right; they couldn't stay good for that long without a break. Still impressive given that this time last year I thought they jumped the shark, but really? A Sheila-Tommy-Janet sexing tree? As if. And whoever's dressing Sheila is tired of her too...WTF has she been wearing? It constantly looks like she's wrapped in a towel. (insert lame joke about older guys and stamina here)
Definitely a placeholder episode, Erika. Although I liked Tommy's speech at the AA meeting a lot and the Mickey Mantle stuff his Cuz sneaked onto the DVD.
Tommy is NEVER EVER going to pull bullshit on Mickey.Ever. If I know that, why doesn't he? And, Tommy, Uncle Teddy's mental. Hilarious and scene-stealing, but mental. Never take advice from Teddy. Father Mickey must have been a. a superior priest. and 2. A supremely frightening and abusive addict. Which you'd think couldn't exist in the same person, but they are Gavins, and both lots in life seem to require superior knowledge of human nature: one to provide counsel and support and the other to manipulate and find weak spots.
Tommy is NEVER EVER going to pull bullshit on Mickey.
What do you mean?
I was surprised how much I enjoyed Janet this week, though that was mostly for the beauty of the Chief basking in the moment. I don't understnad why he is doing Sheila's bidding at all. Sleeping with her when she throws herself at him, sure, but showing up when she tells him to come by at 7:30, she's leaving at 7:45 and he better already have eaten? Seriously?
That had to have been Tommy's first fully honest share at a meeting, much as it sucked for his poor sponsee. Well, not fully honest, but from the heart. I'm interested to see if having Mickey Mantle rattling around in his brain knocks anything loose.
I don't know - I think that Tommy kind of topped Mickey with his speech. I don't think that Mickey expected that at all.
No, I agree, he didn't expect that; but I think it was actually better for Tommy to get all that out and at least admit that he's drinking than the skulking around pretending to be sober and grateful that he's been doing.
Oh yeah, I agree with that. Not sure what effect the dvd will have on him.
You're quite right...usually Mickey is a step ahead, but the bottoms up speech was a new one. But mostly, I would say Father Mickey is good at anticipating Tommy's...phases. Not "Phases", cause how frightening would Gavin werewolves be?