I hear you on Breaking Bad, -t. Even an episode with two extremely contrived situations (and I'm talking about the final two scenes, both of which called for Walt to be in just the right place at just the right time), the intensity Bryan Cranston brought to both of those scenes made 'em work and work well. I'm psyched for the season finale next week, because I still have no idea what's going to lead to the exploding house and who's going to be in those two bodybags. I was sure that Jesse's girlfriend was going to fill one before tonight. Now, not so much.
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
If I had acted like Katie, uh, Katherine on Rescue Me did this week, my parents would have united to put their feet up my spoiled little ass.
Leverage can be pre-ordered at Amazon. It's got a price and everything.
That's the Buffista affiliate link, right?
It is now.
Even an episode with two extremely contrived situations (and I'm talking about the final two scenes, both of which called for Walt to be in just the right place at just the right time)
Oh, but they set up that last scene so nicely, with Walt propping up the baby with towels earlier while the s-i-l talked about Hammacher-Schlemmer, and then Jane propping up Jesse after she found out how much money Walt owed him. And she only flopped over because Walt shook Jesse, so I see it more as him causing it than being there at the right time.
The previous scene was pure indulgence, but they don't do that often enough for me to really ding them on that.
Poor Q.
I'm pretty afraid of the season finale.
Rescue Me: I was thinking the same thing re: Katie, erika, but when she was listing all the ways their homelife is fucked up, well, she's not wrong. of course, she's wrong in thinking that being all upper crusty will make anything better, but she'll have to figure that out on her own.
wrod, and she denied them and implied that their jobs weren't good enough...which would have gotten me the "Every job has dignity" speech.When I was a teenager, I said something sarcastic about my my mom's job, which she hated, but I guess I took it too far, and she felt clowned, cause she slapped me for it. And, wrod, "The rich are different," does not mean non-alcoholic and not fucked-up. I sometimes wish life could be that simple, myself, but alas. I've missed Breaking Bad a few times.
She was probably disappointed for not getting slapped down, whether she realized it or not. For her dad not to say "We're as good as these assholes" must be a shock, right?
Re: Breaking Bad
Yeah, a bit contrived but still, the whole set up was well done. Every time I get up from watching one of those episodes, I tell myself how important it is to keep my kids away from drugs. Just, so messed up.