Well, I think it has something to do with Sheila at the end and her craziness.
But other than that, I'm not sure.
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Well, I think it has something to do with Sheila at the end and her craziness.
But other than that, I'm not sure.
This was a good episode for Sheila. She can just disappear, now,
At first, I thought they were implying that he didn't die at all since he didn't die when they thought he did. I'm guessing this will mean more guilt for Tommy since there was more time than he thought in which he could have somehow saved Jimmy?
Yes, wrod. Sheila sets her own house on fire,blames Tommy so much he almost gets sent up the river and *she* can't trust *him*...fuck you, Sheila. I also think there's a little meta, there, actually, although that seems not much of a "Rescue Me,"type thought, about narratives and memories and how often things don't happen like we think they do. They did that before, with Mickey and the home movies.
I like that. it makes me think that Tommy's assertion that whatever else you say about him, you can't say he isn't there for his kids might not be as rock solid as he thinks. Because what was he more sure of than that Jimmy died in the first tower, right?
I believe that he really *wants* to be, and that his love is undeniable but being there for someone involves showing up, and Tommy's had trouble showing up in the past. Except at burning buildings, which is where I would say his true "Whatever else you might say..." moment lies.
Hey, look, I care about Tommy and his inner life, again. Neat.
Yeah, I know, awesome reverse-shark-jump, huh?
Drew Powell visits the Leverage writers. He was the "target" in The 12 Step Job.