Genevieve. I remember because it's one of my fave french names.
That was my high school French name. I chose it because Stephanie didn't really have a french translation. Lousy accent, that's it.
'Heart Of Gold'
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Genevieve. I remember because it's one of my fave french names.
That was my high school French name. I chose it because Stephanie didn't really have a french translation. Lousy accent, that's it.
I'm finally watching Deadwood and enjoying it immensely, and I just have to get this out of my system: Seth Bullock/Timothy Olyphant reminds me way too much at times of Michael Biehn, in such a happy, happy way.
Juliebird, you'll find lots o' Deadwood fans in the Premium Cable thread. Love(d) that show!
Aha! Wrong Cable thread!
Thanks, Glam.
Is this the Breaking Bad-appropriate thread? Which begs the question: is Breaking Bad appropriate anywhere?
I would think so. I need to watch it from the beginning. I saw about half an episode and liked it, but was confused.
That's true. It would make a lot more sense if you saw it from the start. Part of the show's mission appears to be to put comic actors into an increasingly bleak drama. Last night's episode introduced Bob Odenkirk as a recurring character, and I was wondering what other viewers thought of this.
Oh! I missed it last night. I like it generally though.
Iirc*, "Choose Me" is an Alan Randolf ("The Moderns") movie. I really loved it at the time, but haven't seen it since.
I own it if you want to borrow it sometime. Alan Rudolph was one of the four directors we studied in my "Five Directors" class in college. I fell in love with Choose Me instantly.
ooooh, cool!